Re4-R finished weekend before last. Super fun game, good story, cool puzzles a bit more shooting than I thought there would be. Bosses, not so much fun. Not a fan of having to craft stuff for this game. Played through 1/2 on hardcore. Some of HC isn't bad, because I have leveled up weapons - can't imagine starting from that level to start
They story length was great, awesome old skool single player experience. Great graphics too!
I did enjoy the bosses, but I liked these overpowered enemies even more
these alien-looking, biologically engineered things were a pita, especially the mutated ones or a few at once, but I managed. at the end, I ran out of rifle ammo, so had to use the rifle to see where to shoot through the biosensor, quickly switch weapons and finish it off with a shotgun

the bull headed guy was cool too, and the ones that grew spores out of their heads, especially when they came in groups. the spider-infected cultists that ran so quickly scared me a little when I saw them rushing like crazy lol

the blinded ones with metal claws were fun too, quite easy with stealth, but very cool to sneak around and one-shot kill with a magnum once in good position

oh, and this one I still don't know if you could kill cause I ran from it, sprinkling it with acid whenever I could
In the end, I'm very surprised how much fun I had with guns in this game. the best thing is, it requires you to know what weapon to use and how.