wow, thanks Chezz, sorry for all the questions but it seems like you really know your stuff and can/are willing to explain things to us n00bs. lol. A lot of the other forums ppl just disregard the simple questions.
Can you give some info about the variable resistors? Did you just pick them up at a local store, or did you order them online somewhere. Are there different types? Yours are blue. I've also seen ppl use white ones and I think yellow ones as well.
Do the colors indicate the rating of the resistor? ones are 100k?
Also, are there specific ratings that I need to buy? I've read about 24 turn ones, 15 turn ones, I've read for the 4870 mods, to wire 10 ohm resistors in series in case the variable resistor takes a dump and goes to zero or something. I've not seen any mention the 10 ohm for the 4850 however.
Are the VRs you used called horizontal or vertical mount?
Also, in regards to the variable resistors, is there a certain watt one that is needed? I guess if you could link me to where i could buy these resistors with all the correct specs, that might be easiest.
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to not blow the card up and lose $200 on this, lol.
I picked up a gfxchilla and I have two 80 mm fans on their way to upgrade the gfxchilla. I won't do any hard mods over 1.2 with the stock cooler. I'll wait until I can get the gfxchilla mounted so I don't fry the card.
Thanks for the link to the soldering iron. This looks like what I need. I always wanted one you can just dial in the temp and the price is right. I've seen digital versions of the one you linked (I think it was a weller) and it was well over $100 IIRC.