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  • I have covid again, weee
    hope you feeling better bud me and the misses had it 2 weeks ago, gave me a ear infection but its nearly better now.
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    Reactions: R-T-B
    Yeah I got pneumonia from my last bout too, fortunately treating that is easy but trying to avoid it this run.

    the COVID symptoms seem milder this time, at least.
    Wife thought she had it but it was just heat exhaustion from our "scorching" Vegas trip. Hope you get better soon!!
    I use NetLimiter as a 2nd firewall and I can see a lot of softwares want to access the net, every uninstallers (fuck that), even solo games for whatever reasons, legit paid games I mean. Just block everything you can if you think you are spied too much. Also, unbloat Windows, remove Copilot and stuff you don't want.
    I don't let traffic going out if I don't know what it is and why it wants to go out. I use Copilot on Edge for lazy searches, I mainly use Firefox and duckduckgo + "privacy" extensions. If you don't trust what happens on your OS, fortify it, if you have sensitive data like confidential work stuff, work on it in a VM without network per example or even on another drive using dual boot.
    Not worried about myself, but thanks for the advice.
    Take Two just axed the entire KSP2 dev team again... friggin lol.
    It's not just that. This project has been grossly mismanaged. It is almost half a decade overtime and has seen two seperate dev teams. Yes, this is the second time they axed everybody and just act like everything is fine. WTF is going on?
    I feel like at this point KSP2 will never really release and will remain perpetual vaporware. Then again, it’s T2, so they will just axe the project. Would be odd, but hey, if Sega cancelled Hyenas when it was done… Or they’ll rush an unfinished abomination out. Either/or.
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    There have been so many big events like this in the publisher/developer world the last couple of years. Embracer Group. Sega and Creative Assembly (TWWH3... mother of god, they nearly destroyed their franchise.. they're doing something about it, but we're not out of the woods yet, pricing of DLC is still problematic).... Economy hitting this sector hard I think.
    We have fully recovered from the cat attack on the server. The only drive that truly failed was an SSD and was actually saved by an HDD backup... irony I know. Kitty will have to find a new thing to push off the shelf.
    The cat just pushed the data server/router for our network off its shelf. It landed quite roughly at 4ft up to the floor, and it no longer shows any signs of life. RIP 7700k router/NAS system...
    Nothing like the sound of a falling tower at 5am... good news is it was due for an upgrade anyways, and all its data was on SSDs other than the bulk "shadow copies" HDD drive. I expect we'll be fine data wise, but cats are now banned from that room.
    Protip I saw once was to make a small 1-2 inch fence around stuff you have that you don’t want cats to knock over with some planks or vinyl skirting. Seems like a decent idea.
    Update: One of the essential data SSDs DID in fact die. Wow. So much for impact resistance. Anyways, ironically, it's ok because the Shadow Copy HDD survived and had a copy of our data from less than 2 hours before, so...
    Favorite frog species?
    Human frog hybrid. It's not common around your parts.
    To anwer seriously though leopard frogs are cool.
    Why won't SpecialK work on AMD windows drivers without OpenGL TripleBuffering being turned off? No, the game is not OpenGL based, nor is SpecialK. What is this voodoo hackery?
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    For those not in the know, SpecialK is a tool to enable flip mode on displays, and also to enable HDR uplifts (my use case).
    Try it; you'll feel like you've been reborn.
    :toast: ;)

    P.S.: If you belong to another religious community I would like to let you know that this should not be an attempt to convince you....
    I just took Paxlovid for COVID19, does that count?
    The gpu fan directly over my RTX 3090 Ti's GPU die no longer spins... That's gonna need fixing.
    R-T-B! I have noticed that you are back to Gentoo Linux from Windows 11!
    What influenced your going back to Linux? :)
    Yep, Gentoo is pure customization and compiling stuff from scratch. No way for me to use it haha. I have used Linux Mint and Nobara Project before.
    Glad that Linux is improving towards gaming. Myself don't care about HDR.
    HDR is only relevant if you have a monitor that can use it, which is pretty much just OLED and superbright+expensive LCDs right now. Trust me when I say it's a huge PITA once you get addicted to it, lol. Maybe avoid it until it's more affordable. ;)
    I see. Then it is same case when I used to play games with stripped down settings med-low using 650ti. Jumped to 980ti and wittnessed the wow affect XD (not playing latest of the latest, card still good for my needs)
    Just spent hours trying to diagnose a mod user of mine on a mac... only to find the reason he can't run it is because he's on an arm mac and the base game can't run either... thanks for that tidbit after I spent hours diagnosing why your "exec" command was failing.
    In less than one hour, I will grow older. Please don't let it hurt.
    I had to walk the trash out today like an old man, baby steps, because black ice everywhere. I can just see my fat ass dying at 40 because he tried to take the trash out in an ice storm. gg guys. Unfortunately for drama lovers everywhere, I survived, and now have to huddle up by the fire.
    There is no such thing as old age. There is only being and nothingness.

    and decrepitude, and arthritis, and osteoporosis, and....

    yeah... there is old age. But it doesn't start at 40...
    • Haha
    Reactions: basco
    No it doesn't. But I got this lovely meme today:

    I maintain: please don't let it hurt.
    News alert: Unity Technologies (yes the game engine) announces merger with known malware developer IronSource
    RIP my doggo friend, he gets put to sleep in just a few hours. I will miss him. Going to try to keep busy with some tech projects to keep the tears away.
    I really appreciate the kind words.

    His pain is done, it's mine I need to deal with now. Taking a few days off and playing with my new evga x570 board should help keep me moving forward.
    I am sorry to hear, I love dogs and it never gets any easier when the time comes. Say your good byes and grieve, and get another one in a couple of weeks! Some of our best dogs came from the Humane Society :) Had a newfie and a great dane from them :) Hope you feel better soon!
    I am truly sorry you had to deal with this. My 13 yr old Golden got diagnosed with cancer shortly after me and her time is limited.
    We must cherish all the loving time with our besties and remember them over the rainbow when they move on.
    I can't help but weep to your loss and no amount of words can lessen the pain, but the love and joy they give us last a lifetime :love:
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