RIP my doggo friend, he gets put to sleep in just a few hours. I will miss him. Going to try to keep busy with some tech projects to keep the tears away.
LG OLED *9 series have a beta firmware now with gsync fixes/workarounds for flickering. Just tested and it works great for me. Merry Christmas indeed, LG, I can finally use gsync...
lolwow. I discovered a super simple way to downgrade the firmware on my lg b9 55". It's basically a maintanence URL on the TV. Wonder how long they'll let that stay.
I just convinced bestbuy to pricematch my old 9900k purchase to their new sale price, which is around $60.00 cheaper. It ain't much, but wringing anything out of best buy always feels like an epic win.
I just took a trip down memory lane, browsing my newegg history. Oh my god, so many bad PSUs followed by complete rebuilds in the early-mid 2000s. At least I learned, after I did it three times.
I have an inner-ear infection from hell. I'm in a whirlpool of spinning every time I open my eyes. Just now good enough to post this, don't expect much from me for the next few days.
Somehow a lose screw got in my PC, rolled on into my nice Seasonic, and lit up something on my mobo that let out the magic smoke. Post mortem: Only gpu, ram, and ssd survived Screw this day.
Also slightly related reddit post by me: