Somehow a lose screw got in my PC, rolled on into my nice Seasonic, and lit up something on my mobo that let out the magic smoke. Post mortem: Only gpu, ram, and ssd survived Screw this day.
So my review of the Club3d CAC-1085 is delayed? Why? Either the LG B9 OLED is falsely advertised as having HDMI 2.1, or AMD driver is blocking res's that high. I'm betting on the former, frankly. Stand by for confirmation.
The RX 5700 XT I picked up post christmas has been a real treat to overclock. SoftPowerPlayTables are awesome, haven't had this much fun since bios mods...
I fell asleep at my monitor, had a bad dream, and punched it square in the face. Now it's face is broken and I am sad. I need to stop working late. Oh well, my Panasonic Plasma will play "step-in from 2008" for a bit.
It occurred to me today the easiest way to nuke the USA would be to sell a covert nuke at a remote booth, market it as a big 4th of July firework... We'd do it with glee.
Uncle is out of hospital. He did battle with the pneumonia and guess what, he should've went to the doctor before he had to pay an ambulance. Wow. Old people confuse me.
My uncle is in the hospital. Kind of guy who doesn't go in until stuff really hits the fan... well he has sepsis and they don't know why. This is going to be a rough few days.
My z370 Taichi gave up the ghost on the last day of the year... Suddenly just became a brick of a board with no signs of life. Puzzling. Now I'm computerless until the 3rd. Woo.