There is no demand problem. Sure, demand is strong, people are home mostly not spending on other things. But it's not crazy, it's just everyone except Intel have released some stellar products this year, that makes sense to buy (upgrade).
There is a serious supply problem. Apple is OK with their stock levels, but everyone else is extremely behind the curve. Looking at the bits of information that is coming in from retail, neither Nvidia or AMD shipped anywhere near enough units to equal demand. How many 6800?? cards could Amazon have sold today with unlimited supply.... 10,000 in the USA maybe. How many did they have, we will never know, but I wouldn't bet over a 100.
There is only one way to stop scalping and that is having a full inventory to sell at launch. Sneaker scalpers spend over $10k USD on bots plus maintenance fee's. You think captcha's will stop them. These folks have some advanced tech. Even if you or I or Average Joe buys one intent on using it, the lure of double or tripling the price on e-Bay get's in your head.
So why is all this happening. I have a feeling AMD and Intel feel pressure to keep their stock prices up and Wall Street loves these launches. So they paper launch in the Fall knowing they won't ship until Winter/Spring. It creates a buzz and their valuation remains high.