It should be illegal for scalpers to resale items that are out of stock everywhere else, bot renting services should be illegal as well, as they only serve for one purpose, clearing all stock available in seconds sometimes bringing the retailer websites to their knees, and not allowing for legit sales to end costumers.
This already happens in some markets, like the resale of sports or concert tickets, which are now banned and illegal in most states. Or even worse, price gouging of essential supplies like hand sanitizer and N95 masks during the pandemic, which is considered a crime and can end scalpers in jail.
This affects all costumers everywhere, yea, call it whatever you want: a first world problem, FOMO, or the false pretenses of entitlement to any given goods, capitalism or whatever; truth is we should all be united against this instead of blaming AMD, Nvidia, or any company unable to meet the demand in these difficult times.
We can only vote with our wallets and not support scalpers, contact our lawmakers and try to have them pass laws against scalping of all goods, I'm not talking about the lawful sale of one costumer to another, but when a single scalper can purchase dozens of video cards or any goods in seconds and list them on ebay, that alone should paint a huge target on their back for prosecution.