If this was the Linus Tech Tips forum I'd probably expect this, but not here. I'm surprised.
So you people genuinely believe that GPU compute is not necessary. Alrighty then!
Maybe it is for you, but definitely not for me. I don't know why it is so hard to understand that different people have different needs.
You just can’t seem to stop posting about Nvidia history in a thread about the 9070. Bizarre.
It's not about Nvidia. It's about the fact that every driver has occasional issues. The fact that AMD actually posts the known issues doesn't make them more problematic - just more transparent.
And you're in every AMD thread defending them. All is well in the world, after all, if a problem did not exist, we would sound like complete lunatics instead and you should have been able to dismiss any concerns instead of feeling outraged and writing walls of text. food for thought.
So destroying every AMD thread is the holy mission, and trying to preserve the discussion is wrong. See where we're going?
btw... nvcleanstall is a software utility from TPU. W1zzard made it. It's not an official Nvidia tool. It's meant to strip components out of the setup utility and make a custom driver installation. Doesn't serve the same purpose of AMD's cleanup utility, which is a driver uninstaller tool. They serve completely different purposes, despite the similar name.
Oh yes, AMD has a clean (no control panel) install option in its setup, no utility is needed.
This thread makes me yearn for bottle. and I don't even drink... John Jameson my old friend. Hearing that "gpu compute isn't important" pretty much shattered my view of the readership.
Go, drink then. Even that's better than endlessly going on about how shit AMD is and what idiots the few of us using AMD are.
If all it took was a single line claiming AMD drivers are horrible to "destroy a thread", then maybe I'm not the one in the wrong. All I got was ad hominem fallacies, the ol' "doesn't happen to me" and "nuh uh" as answers to the questions I've posed. So there's really nothing to talk about, not even you know why you're attached to that brand, other than some personal bias from however long ago.
However, it did open my eyes. I just don't have anything to discuss with people who genuinely state "GPU compute isn't important" in the year of our Lord 2025, in a place like TPU.
Which one is more believable? Someone who's had several AMD GPUs in the last 3-4 years and never had an issue with any of them, or someone who hasn't had one, just read a bunch of stuff on the internet? Which one is the bigger fallacy? Basing an opinion on personal experience, or parroting shit from random websites?
Besides, I'm sure I could find lots of pages discussing issues with Nvidia drivers as both I and my brother has had some. I just won't because there's no point in it, issues happen, it's called life. I see no perverted joy in bashing anyway.