Super pee'd off!!
For the past half hour... possibly longer I've been trying to get my CPU at 4.2Ghz but I just couldn't get it to load Windows, so I settled for the usual 4.1Ghz I have got in the past but this time I raised my GPU clocks as I've been pushing it lately and it's proved it's something special
So yeah I go for a run on Vantage and all is all well, infact I get a new score 21196! but before I get a chance to save a screenie I get a damn BSOD!
Power issue?
10 AthlonX2 EVGA GTX 470 800/1599/851 21134 i7 920@3.9Ghz
I'd of been in 10th position being the only GTX460 ahead of a GTX470