Every Apple related thread here really brings out the haters doesn't it?
Some of you guys that are complaining about the cost.... really?
$499 for what you're getting is a huge bargain. Find me ANY other device for that price, that can do as much as the iPad can, all while displaying it to you in that crazy resolution and clarity. No other device can do that, NONE.
Some of you guys upgrade your video card everytime a new card releases, and you pay $500+ for it. And how much of a performance increase do you get, 10-15% at best from the last gen right? Well, same rule applies to the iPad or any Apple product really. Apple always seems to release superior products, everyone else just follows. It's not speculation or me "backing" Apple, its 100% FACT.
If there was no iPhone/iOS, there wouldn't be the Android phone market that there is today.
If there was no MacBook Air, there would be no Ultrabook/Ultraslim/Ultrawhatever they are calling them laptops.
If there was no iPad, there would be no droid tablets or Kindle fire.
I still dont get it how people believe this Apple PR shit. How is 2048 x 1536 impresive? Toshiba released its 2560 x 1600 6.1" display last year already. Thats 495dpi! So somebody explain to me, how anything that Apple makes is impresive and über and whatnot?
Here's how you know Apple does things right, its pure proof. If Toshiba released a 2560x1600 display, why doesn't anyone use it? lol <---
Because no one cares. No one cares, because no one is using it. No one is using it, because no one cares. See where I'm going with this?
Apple knows how to make products sale-able. They market right, they make existing products relevant with new products, and they SUPPORT them 100%. They don't release a top tier phone and hype it up to be the new killer phone, and then drop support 6 months later. (Ex. Motorola Atrix, HTC Thunderbolt, any Motorola Droid-series phone period). Apple releases a product, it has a nice 3 year (At least!) supported life cycle, and new stuff comes out. If a OS update comes out for iPhone 4S, the same update goes to the 4, and possibly 3GS and 3G, etc. HTC doesn't do that with droid phones, Google doesn't even do that with their Google branded phones! You have to wait patiently, hoping your device is supported, all without even knowing cause they won't come out and say it.
Apple does things right, they treat their consumers RIGHT. You buy something, its supported, it works, it works as advertised, blah blah etc. My ranting is done here, deaf ears and blind eyes all around anyway (The apple haters).
All arguments aside though, Windows Phone > iPhone.