True. What I meant was that OE needs some fixing to do; I hit all of those tanks (save for the 2A6) in the hull near the powerpack or whatever crewmember sits right under the turret, not the turret back where some ammo is.
Also a little strange that an ammo blowout would cost an entire M1A2 since I keep reading that the tank was designed with an armored compartment or something to protect the crew from such a blowout. But then again, after seeing how that Saudi M1A2 was cooked off by a 9m133...not so sure anymore of how effective the bulkhead really is.
also we are talking and playing about game, were the sworn Nemesis of the vehicle we drive is the most common encounter... a Tank is made to go against various threat but was primarily made for fighting threat widely less armed and armored than them, nowadays tanks are ... useless (with the exception of SPG and scouts vehicle ) RPG UAV, ATGM, they fall prey to a lot of, previously, fang-less target that can eat them raw, now.
more seriously ... an explosion in that area (even with a APFSDS) can have dire consequences ... no need fo OE to rethink, because in a tank the weakness is always the human, how many time in simulation we got a "RED FLAG" (which signify, total destruction of the tank and most of the crew, in our company) because some idiot (including me) forgot to close the armored door of the ammo rack (driver or turret), well ... in AW it should never happen and the tank should be impervious to all those "human failure"
technically once you flank a tank : dead meat, and that should be same IG or IRL, always show front or face a certain death (even if it's not easy to do in pvp ahah)
also ... if a ammo rack blow out, it take out the entire tank, not obligatory all the crew with, and the M1A2 is no exception (if the crew survive, the tank is still impaired or worse unusable on the battlfield), btw the M1A1 is equivalent to the Leo 2A4 and the M1A2 to the Leo 2A6, as a matter of personal opinion for me the Abrams is inferior ... but that's personal (even in game also

) and it use the same Rheinmetal L/44 120mm Smoothbore as the Leo 2 serie (american licensed M256 44 calibres like the L/44 ) well the 2A6 use the L/55 (55 calibres) version¨, the armor of the Abe is a bit better tho ...
damn i wanted to check the T8 Abe front turret and hull rating to compare with the 730/465 of the 2A5 but hotfix ... well they should call it a patch because 5hrs for a hotfix ....
furthermore ... why you complain

it was in PVE and you did great damages, you should be happy instead that it did not happen to you like it did to me .... flanked by a T-90MS Lieutenant ... needless to say my 2A6 got nearly one shot'ed.
now i know why i instinctively aim for the back of the turret of a M1 series (or XM1 and MBT-70 also) ... if he's full front i keep quiet until someone else make him turn the turret or the whole hull (which should be the common tactic tho ... a prey a bait and a predator 1 on 1 are .... a little more fun tho ) but with what you said about your "lucky" hit i will try "dead center" hull shot to see what happen.
edit ... the M900 is a 105mm ammunition your M1 is a M1A1 ? it should have the M256 already? or does it start with the M68A2 (the base M1128 MGS 105mm gun)
edit ... the Swiss 2A4 is also a improved license build of the original 2A4 (like we did with the M109A1 in the form of the M109A1 KAWEST) and i've found a interesting thing
The Pz 87WE (WertErhaltung) is a planned Swiss modification and upgrade of the Pz 87.[99] The modification significantly improves protection through the addition of the Leopard 2A6M's mine protection kit, thicker armour on the front glacis, and a turret equipped with a Swiss-developed armour package using titanium alloy. The turret roof armour is improved and the smoke grenade launchers redesigned. Further improvements enhance survivability and combat capability, such as a turret electric drive similar to the Leopard 2A5, a driver rear-view camera, an independent weapons station for the loader, and enhanced command and control systems. The fire control system is also upgraded, using the Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH PERI-R17A2 fire control system. A remote weapons station containing a fully stabilized Mg 64 0.50 in (12.7 mm) machine gun is also fitted to the tank."
the most fun thing is in 2000/2001 when i was with the 2A4 they never talked about bringing the 2A4 to the 2A5 level but rather studying Germans offer to buy a license for the 2A5 ... upgrading them is ... interesting
i kinda stopped to follow military evolution when i ended my active service.
and to conclude that long post some pics of my beloved Pz87 (2A4) and Pz87WE
old and new side comparison
gosh i wish OE would add more Swiss tank than the Taifun II the licensed M109 and 2A4 in their upgraded version rival the M109A6 Paladin and the Leo. 2A6 ...
(well i console myself as the Leo. 2 ingame is the 2A4 )
seriously the Pz87WE is a beauty