Overall, not impressed at all with the new vehicles. The XM1 FSED may be rare in real life (something like 11 total ever built), but let's face it it's just going to be a copypasta of the M1 with the M1A1 drive sprockets and a slightly changed rear turret
at the same tier .
According to the PTS update, there's going to be a M60-2000 at Tier 7 which makes very little sense because of how bad the M60 hull is. Can you imagine 193mm of RHA at Tier 7??? And because it has an M1A1 turret it has the M256 L/44...except that evidently the legendary 120mm M829A1 "Silver Bullet" is inferior to 105mm M900 at same tier?
Why would anyone buy this tank then?
The stats for the AMX-10RC look sweet though, it looks to be a better armored version of the MGS with really nice accuracy (just like it is in Project Reality, you don't want to cross this bad boy cause he can really fuck you up
). The Tier 8 Challenger 1 FALCON though...I see that it's KADDB upgrade for the Jordanian Challenger 1 - Al-Hussein with a RUAG
)) Rh120 L/50 but like the M60-2000...
why does this tank exist in the game? They just buffed it so it can play at Tier 8 but why???
Challenger 1 already holds its own at Tier 8 so why make it even more powerful to make it even easier for Chally noobs??
Details here
https://armoredwarfareid.blogspot.ca/2016/06/m60-2000-xm1-fsed-amx-10rc-challanger-1.html also the XM1 FSED's paint scheme sucks
balls and the Times New Roman "1776" is as bad as if they had put it in Comic Sans so I think i will pass on working my nuts off @ 200ms ping just trying to get into the Top 100 for PvE. If they really cared to research they would have put the "THUNDERBOLT" cloud + lightning bolt insignia on the XM1 (pre-serie homage to General Creighton Abrams' Sherman) and one of the ~dozen really cool flecktarn camos that the M1-105 had.