Because the performance gained though the link was done through overclocking, not undervolting.
To say overclocking and undervolting are the same thing is delusional. While the former leads to higher power consumption, heat and maximum gains in performance, the latter leads to modest gains with the benefit of lower power consumption(or similar) and less noise.
The above guru3d performance results were from overclocking, not undervolting as the original poster implied.
To say we can post any performance results and label them the term most favorable to AMD because it falls underneath the umbrella is erroneous and makes me question how powerful and deep AMD's viral marketing runs. You can't mix and match the performance results from overclocking the 5700xt and mix it with the implied benefit of undervolting. Why lie.
Really ?
Let's look at three scenarios :
You undervolt a card and you make it use less power which in turn makes it run at
higher clocks than normal.
You increase it's power limit from the default value which in turn makes it run at
higher clocks than normal.
You increase the voltage and frequency manually which in turn makes it run at
higher clocks than normal.
Are you really going to make the argument that only the third case is an overclock even though they all have the same result ? Indeed all you are doing is tweaking voltages,power limits, frequencies, etc. Everything you do that has the effect to cause an increase in clock speed is an overclock, this is fact. You said it yourself, undervolting leads to modest gains but gains nonetheless.
Are you annoyed that all this dynamic clockspeed business has made it so that now performance can no longer be gained in one and only one way ? Complain to every GPU manufacturer out there not to us. AMD may be the only ones that allow for explicit undervolting but you should be aware Nvidia does the same thing automatically under the hood with their cards to try and reach higher clocks out of the box, it's part of their boost algorithm.
And for the record I didn't reference this towards whatever was posted in the comment you were replying to, my point is simply that all this falls under the same act of changing the operating parameters of a product to get some sort of desired result. Unfortunately it is no longer as simple as it once used to be, this debate is tremendously stupid, let it go.
Your making team red look bed if your don't see the horrible logic behind your post.
I would never do that, I am more of a couch person. Also did you just assume the color of my team ? I feel offended.