It does
3% overclock.
someone needs to tell them to stop "accepting Windows Store", and replace Forza Horizon 4 with AC7. While the former is much more popular, the latter does wonders to overall score, 2070s is 50% faster than 5700XT in that technological masterpiece.
2% difference stock vs stock, with 6% "OC potential" ends up "10% faster".
That's quite an advanced math, mind you.
Note that 2070s card that does gain 6%, out of the box is very mildly OCed, with only 3% advantage vs ref.
In reality you have:
Ref vs Ref +2% 2070Super
AIB vs AIB, it depends, but with those referenced by green tucker, it is +5% for AMD, +3% for NV, a tie
OC brings you about 1% on AMD, 6% on NV in a single benchmark. Which ends up being +5% for 2070Super, OC vs OC,
for $100 more