Been playing it alot more (Last night got quite a few games in), really getting into it though I have had a few issues/things I've noticed after playing both game settings and trying everything out I can.
1: Game has caused my PC to lock up 4 times now. Only on initial startup, seems to be a weird bug with the way the game starts but it freezes the entire PC when it does it (Only started happening once I set it to 144hz in the settings so that maybe part of the issue).
2: Anything automatic has crazy recoil that makes alot of the shots much more random than ever before. They really are only meant for close-medium close encounters as at any range they are hard to hit people.
3: Vehicles (Specifically tanks) are really strong in the right hands. Currently in my opinion the light tank is OP, the others seems to have pretty clear weaknesses and such to where with a good team effort you can take them down even with their extreme armor. However, the light tank is easy for a skilled played to take advantage of its higher mobility and armor to basically last nearly an entire round blasting away at people. I have seen (and done) many people get 40+ kills with limited deaths multitudes of times just from camping with that light tank near the back/mid way. I do like that fact vehicles are more scary, but feel the light tank needs some tweaking.
4: Bolt action rifles rock!!! Man they are all fantastic to shoot to a point you can dominate with them. I unlocked the Gewehr yesterday to try it and found it to be the only one available currently without a scope and dominated multiple games with it. I am surprised more aren't using it because without the scope I can use it at short and medium ranges better and end up popping people off in quick succession with its straight pull bolt.
5: Medic class feels a bit dismal at the moment. While healing is great, reviving is great, and the guns are pretty dang good/accurate, the rest of the kit feel lacking for the current game modes/maps available. I hope they can do more later on because currently it almost feels like a weak kit minus the fun of the guns they have. I don't see many people playing the kit which many times makes me feel like playing it to help the team out and while I feel like I am helping, there are so many situations I feel I would have benefited from the other kits much more in those situations even though I try and heal people/revive as much as I can and still rack up quite a few kills because of the guns accuracy in those kits.
Thats just a few things that have really caught my eye. Really enjoying the game personally as I love the older guns (one reason I love WWII games so much) and the way the game moves. Not perfect but I know they will fix some of the things bugging me.