hl2 is a big delusion imo.The ai is far inferior even if compared with the first hl,need i say more? Sure the graphic is stunning and the physical engine is incredible, but enemyes are borg idiots and this is enought for me to throw it out of the window. Do i have to mention the uber steam which we are forced to use?........
Quake4 single player? boring,too much inside building dark ambient based, same as doom 3; far cry...this one simply was not able to caught me,pariah...not technically impressive and too short(ended in 2 afternoons, and i am not an hardcore gamer, i am used to play my games in mormal mode).I liked painkiller over ss2,brainless fps imo, but both enjoyable imo.
Serious fps...Since Halo came on pc i think the way to go is fear even with all its ambient limitations.I am not practiced with multiplayer so i am not going to discuss about it. I am curretly waiting for cod2, i have ordered it so....
I think that the best fps atm is fear, Ai is incredible and the game itself rocks, even if the level are to much similiar each other for my taste.The horror atmosphere is also a masterpiece in the vidogame market.
I really liked also warhammer:dawn of war, cause i am not used to play rts, i am simply too dumb to play this kind of games, but this one caught me to death for its atmosphere and the easy gameplay not based to the foraging method used to be the rule in this kind of games.
If i can include also older games in this chart, i have to say that for my taste the all time nr 1 is baldu's gate2 + its expansion for tons of reason,far superior to neverwinter nights in many shapes.
Forgive my english, i am just practicing with it, so be patient please