I may not have the Super Knowledge of the DLSS 2.0 is 4k but not 4k as the great Sayer has. <- Your comments are the same BS that was used WAY BACK (~20 yrs ago) when using MP3 to rip music. It SOUNDS LIKE CD quality (so it must be CD quality) but it still has been Modified (Cutting out the highs & Lows)when it was ripped. I don't know who you have talked to but a 1080 picture blown up to 4k will still show artifacts _ Period.. MSAA/SSAA/FXAA, Ect, Ect all deal with making the picture look better (https://www.pcgamer.com/pc-graphics-options-explained/2/). If your DLSS 2.0 takes a 1080 picture and turns it into a 4k picture, then it's using a slight of hand (making PIXELS from the adjacent ones) to achieve this. AMD must have this as it's the next BIG THING --- NOT. RT was and AMD is working to make it happen. Will theirs be as good as NV 2nd gen ?? This is just a newer version of MSAA/SSAA and AMD will come out with their version eventually or not. REMEMBER!! <- This is a FAKE way of making 4k Resolutions run @60FPS+ without the preformace hit. If you know AMD's efforts - Then you know they have introduced MLAA and the MUST HAVE TressFX (https://hexus.net/tech/news/graphics/52361-tired-unrealistic-hair-then-use-amd-tressfx/). Maybe NV's new 3xxx series will be able to run 4k @60fps?? We will have to wait and see.
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