I started playing FFXI back in 2002, and have been playing with the same mad demented group of people since then! I suffered through 1.0 from start to finish (1.0 was HORRIBLE upon release but ended up being playable at the end), but thanks for the offer!
So far ARR has been fun, like most MMOs that follow the same "WoW-like" end game design it can have some dull moments until new content comes out, but overall it's been a good game. I can't wait to see what Heavensward brings us!
luckily he was replying to Jaffakeik (who already has been "scouted" by bogmali

), well it seems that all play on different server xD
i ended redoing all on Ultros, as i said, because of Doc41 he ended on NA server instead of EU due to his friend (no biggies low ping and no lag ... )
but the funniest is Square Enix did DELETE my previous account, i checked all my mails tho just in case i did swap the address but nope ... no trace at all of my previous subs, except in my mails ... the account was a collector ed. and vet. Rk4 reward ... there is no way they deleted it due to illegal activity behavior or something else, the only thing i did was stopping playing for a couple of month ... even my 2004 wow account is still there and none of the 10 chars it house are gone.
then it's where the fun start ... my ex char are still around the database ... but not the account
yep they still exist ...
and a third that i can't remember the name but i recall it being a Lalafell dunefolks Summoner 34 something ... well i didn't loose any endgame char, and my actual char are already higher than those, but still
Although cpu OC didnt matter much... I got the same score later @ 4.2ghz, ram 2133mhz, clearly a gpu whore benchmark
The benchmark yes ... the game ... nope ... since it's a MMO

mmmmhhh if i oc some more my 290 i might get around a 780/290X result ... but who really care, as long as you are in the "extremely high" zone (aka: "it's over 9000" well over 7k in reality) you are fine with the game, well it matter only for those who play FFXIV and will play Heavensward, the rest it's a contest of who has the bigger (score) just like any other benchmark

altho that one is a bit more pretty and lively than Valley or Heaven