We have another 300K+ folder tonight.
Tonight Buck takes the cherry with an outstanding 302K performance.
We have five other 100K+ folders that include bogmali (179K), hertz (167K), Oily (132K), msgclb (122K), and HammerOn (100K).
Rank Team
User Name
9 pm Points Today
Last Update Today
Total Points Today
1 Buck_Nasty 217,633 84,517 302,150
2 bogmali 163,098 16,329 179,427
3 hertz9753 77,105 90,196 167,301
4 Oily_17 40,726 92,155 132,881
5 msgclb 118,026 4,667 122,693
6 HammerON 96,754 4,137 100,891
7 TeXBill 64,065 10,693 74,758
8 rickss69 44,414 5,997 50,411
9 MetalTom 43,824 3,858 47,682
10 Dustyshiv 41,540 5,558 47,098
11 ChimPowerUp 29,614 5,659 35,273
12 CamelJock 27,115 3,411 30,526
13 111frodon 24,264 4,044 28,308
14 Mindweaver 24,506 1,885 26,391
15 Niko084 23,088 2,578 25,666
16 dank1983man420 19,701 3,621 23,322
17 hat 13,662 2,211 15,873
18 sneekypeet 12,658 1,280 13,938
19 El_Fiendo 10,237 1,412 11,649
20 theoneandonlymrk 9,159 0 9,159
Congratulations to all pie club members.
Congratulations stoners.
Congratulations all.