We again have a pair of 200K+ folders with the cherry going to bogmali for a 262K performance.
Tonight it's Buck taking leftovers with 226K.
We have three other 100K+ folders that include HammerON (189K), hertz (168K) and Oily (134K).
We also have frodon with 97K.
Congratulations to all pie club members.
Rank Team
User Name
9 pm Points Today
Last Update Today
Total Points Today
1 bogmali 247,583 15,160 262,743
2 Buck_Nasty 214,166 11,861 226,027
3 HammerON 102,135 87,052 189,187
4 hertz9753 77,495 91,244 168,739
5 Oily_17 128,850 5,885 134,735
6 111frodon 96,391 1,348 97,739
7 TeXBill 66,700 13,437 80,137
8 msgclb 67,982 8,146 76,128
9 MetalTom 42,626 6,504 49,130
10 Dustyshiv 37,354 4,441 41,795
11 CamelJock 32,367 3,508 35,875
12 ChimPowerUp 30,120 2,899 33,019
13 Niko084 24,063 2,560 26,623
14 Beertintedgoggles 20,918 2,471 23,389
15 rickss69 20,446 1,037 21,483
16 Mindweaver 16,251 1,278 17,529
17 hat 14,987 2,211 17,198
18 sneekypeet 11,710 2,628 14,338
19 vanyots 10,619 2,859 13,478
20 KieX 10,380 1,348 11,728
. With this stone your halfway to your next million.
Congratulations all.