Well I've clocked about 50-60 hours in GR:W and I gotta say it does get old now, but what'd you expect.
If I had to capture the game in a oneliner, I'd say 'Third person squad based Far Cry' covers it very well.
Its definitely not bad but I don't see myself finishing the main storyline any time soon, it is the typical Ubisoft writing: standard, 13 in a dozen mediocreness all over. Don't play it for that.
- Bolivia looks f'in amazing, the draw distance is mental, and weather conditions are extremely convincing. Has no equal really
- Grand Theft Auto special ops style works surprisingly well, similarities are striking though
- Immersion is great if that's your aim. The voice overs of the AI teammates are very cool.
- Absolute stealth is harder than it looks and achieving it while you roll through enemy territory feels good
The BAD:
- overall performance is below what I'd expect from settings and system at 1080p. Lots of frame dropping to 30 fps or even sub 30, long stutters when you drive or fly into a new province (yet none in actual gameplay). Max FPS hovers around 66-70, avg 55 on a GTX 1080 OCd. Altering settings doesn't provide tangible benefits.
- the good old Ubi formula is really tiresome by now. Remove fog of war from map, find fast travel points, unlock everything besides your underpants. Yaaawn
- repetitive gameplay
- Sync Shot is way too OP (once you get 3 syncs basically there is no need to upgrade anything else)
- AI teammates apparently don't mind standing right on top of enemies, they have super stealth suits or something, and can shoot through walls
- You're way too OP and once you unlock a decent assault rifle, you need to find ways to keep the game challenging for yourself. Even the tougher enemies die fast and the accuracy penalty/recoil on weapons is surreal.
I got this game for free with the 1080. Would not spend 60 on it, but when price comes down, def. worth a look.
BTW if you're looking for the immersion factor, try watching Narcos on Netflix before playing this. Big bonus points