As much as i loved all the mods for a while. Think i got more out the game with them off. With mods on i was just shooting shit and blowing things up for fun.
Back to standard and try and complete the game.

The only mods I use are "Mods" that should have been a part of the game to begin with.
For example.... Single Player Apartments.... allows you to buy and GO inside new apartments all over Los Santos.... (and save your game)
Premium Deluxe Car Shop - Allows you to buy cars directly from a dealership, and sell them.
Drug Dealing mod, mod that adds a mini game and adds various drug dealers to the game so you can "move weight" and make some money in game
Luxury Yacht Mod - adds the Yachts available in MP to SP.
Mod that lowers suspension on cars.....
I also use a ENB mod that makes the graphics look so much better.... The color I am getting from this graphics mod is unbelievable....
So I get what your saying, theres some unrealistic mods that you can toy around with and get bored.... I understand that, but these are not the mods I am speaking of.
Also, I don't accept the top speed GTA has given me at 125MPH for all cars. Absolute BS.
I have nearly every car in game modified in the handling lines to get up to a realistic top speed.... Super cars can get up to 220ish+ and slower cars are set up realistically too.....