AMD marketing is pushing reviewers hard for that, because it's the only way their cores don't sit idle in games. Do really that many people game and stream at the same time?
That is a good question. Ill respond to that in a moment.
The question I ask myself is: Which way is the CPU industry heading and in what context does gaming fit into this.
PS5 development shows that we have moved to 8x Zen 2 Cores, maybe even with SMT enabled who knows. So they are aiming for 3700x performance (assumption)
Prediction and personal experience: Game development shows that games are getting more complex and use more cores. 2->4->6 core processors shows improvement in latest titles. (eg. Borderlands3)
So with Intel upping the core count together with AMD, applications will 'probably' show more scaling, this has been a trend for some time. Even Windows 10 shows improvement with core count increase.
Keeping in mind people tend to use their pc for >5years, and it becomes pretty logical (my understanding) to invest in 'moar corez'
So to (sort of) answer your question,
And this example is N=1
People tend to use all kinds of apps during gaming. Like I said, Spotify for music, and discord for user to user/community interactivity.
^is based on only having 1 monitor.
With two monitors becoming more popular these days (Sorry N=1) I myself use youtube / twitch to watch other players or view some hardware footage, browse the web, multiple tabbs open etc. etc...

Intel Core i5 10600K & Core i9 10900K review: de snelste gaming CPU die je niet moet kopen
In deze review van de Intel Core i5 10600K en Core i9 10900K, codenaam Comet Lake, lees je alles over de 10de generatie Intel Core-processors en vind je...

See for yourself, and this is only using a 6mbit stream. (8mbit or higher is becoming the norm these days)
It's quite funny to see the 3600 'overtaking' the i9-10900K on that graph, by 3%.
I think AMD is on the right track. Let's hope it stays that way.
I've been using intel and Nvidia hardware for almost all of my systems, but for some reason (finewineTM) AMD hardware seems to have more longetivity.
PS: Intel got me good with the 6600K a processor which is just worthless for gaming nowadays. Next system will be AM4 based.
PS2: I can't predict the future, so my post is based upon the good 'ol glass orb.