Oh I am thankful for your kind words and support!

I am always trying to help whenever I can

It what makes me happy to do it
Regarding your question, Yes, Enable V-Max as it prevents the CPU voltage from getting too high. The CPU will throttle and slow down so the voltage never exceeds the safe limits.
There's also something else new coming in the near future

I have realized that some Intel Killer Ethernet models are using Realtek chip and hence they use Realtek .sys files. So most laptops/PCs heve Realtek ethernet.
Those models who are using Realtek chip are Intel Killer Ethernet E2500 & E2600 & E3000 & E5000 models. They literally share the exact same .sys files between Killer ethernet chip vs non-Killer ethernet chip! So an idea came to my mind... why not convert non-killer Realtek chip to a Intel's Realtek Killer ones
The Killer app can take advantage of it if you are kind a guy who connects Wi-Fi and Ethernet cable at the same time... Killer app will allow to manage both & route background data like (Windows updates, downloads, Youtube/Twitch streaming, etc...) to your Wi-Fi/Mobile Hotspot while your ethernet will be used for ping sensitive things like online gaming, etc...
This feature are named the same as on Wi-Fi... Intel® Killer™ DoubleShot™ Pro.
Those images explains it more clearer
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Do you think it's worth to start doing it? or It's not worth it?

I can do it

but I am just contemplating & in dilemma if it is worth my time