Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it! I knew I should have ran it by you guys. I assumed they were good sticks, my mistake. 25 bucks of that cost was shipping from the states, and those other ones that were linked will also cost the same to import. Those white ones were only 20 to import. You guys are all awesome, I will have to look to the forum for tips and tricks. I don’t think I’m going to start overclocking right away. As for learning to clock again, I don’t mind.. maybe I’ll just buy another set and sit on these ones. I can’t escape high prices, even people selling used stuff around here are wanting close to retail. Sickening. So those Ballistix weren’t on the QVL for the mobo I was looking at, is that still a bit of an issue these days? If not I will just buy them. Maybe I’ll keep the golds for an Intel build. She has a great job right now and I don’t have to support a family of four by myself anymore so money should be a little easier for me to come by in the future.
The Royals aren't bad sticks. Neither are the RGBs. Anything that can
only be B-die - 3200/14, 3600 16-16-16, 4000/15, 4000 18-19-19, 4400 19-19-19 - isn't "bad" by any stretch of the imagination. The only "bad" B-die is the Corsair stuff that isn't readily identifiable as B-die and that you only got as luck of the draw out of the billion other possible ICs that you can potentially get in that kit.
The Royals are just very expensive, because they're Royals.
QVL makes a lot more sense when we're talking about bargain basement $50-100 4-layer PCB motherboards, some of which literally struggle with running dual rank sticks at 3600MT/s because their memory trace design is so bad; you shouldn't have issues with the white Ballistix on your Strix-F. My guess is probably that it's either 8Gb Micron Rev.E or the peculiar 16Gb-cut-down-to-8Gb Micron Rev.B, both of which are easy overclockers and are made for good compatibility with Ryzen.
All 6 of my 3200CL14 kits do 3800 16-16-16-32 or better with decent subtimings most at 1.4-1.45V none of them do 3800 CL 14-14-14 though at least at voltages I'm comfortable with running 24/7
Makes me feel a bit better about not being able to do 3800/14 on my Viper Steel

knowing that the good G.skills have trouble too