thats another thing, intel got sooooo nervous about the Phenom 2's amazing overclock. In fact, they get nervous every time something good happens in camp AMD. Remember that story about the UAE investor putting cash into AMD? Well, that time they got scared also, and started putting out statements like its not fair, they cant do it and so on. Because they know that once AMD gains solid financial footing they will release something awesome. I think Intel got so used being the top dog they are afraid of real competition.
reason Intel get's so nervous is becuase if AMD actually puts something out that

them like last time around . . . Intel
have to go back to the drawing board and cough up something *new* *innovative* to keep their market . . .
which means all those sandbagged CPUs they've been producing cost them money, cuase no one will wnat to buy them - and Intel's name is tarnished for a while.
I really think at this point, some judge needs to step in and dissolve the royalty agreement Intel has with AMD . . . hell, it's AMD's technology and development anyways, but they're still paying for it because they worked with and produced for Intel years and years ago. AMD would be much better off, and so would the market, if they didn't have to cough up those royalty fees.
Anyhow - kinda funny Intel has admitted to cheating before they've even gotten started, simply because they think AMD has cheated . . .
It'd be even funnier, IMO, if it turns out AMD just used a stand, middle of the line production CPU, disabled the temp diode, and went with that . . . which means (if they did), we might see AMD retaliate in the same manner Intel is now - if Intel manages to pull off what they are hoping for.