Hoses on the radiator down so any air in the system gets trapped at the top and won't travel to the pump.
Ok. Thank you.
I suppose there is no problem with whatever orientation I choose If the PC is ON for months in a row,
My question is related to:
What happens to the
air forming inside a static circuit when the
PC is stopped for a period?
I'm speaking
in the future, not on a fresh install.
From a static position, air will accumulate on the top part of every bend in the circuit...
and I'm afraid it will generate noise after the PC is restarted and working for some time.
The tubing pointing down: too much air imprisoned in the pump will reduce the efficiency of the rotary impeller blades to zero.
For a restarting pump with a diminished capability, it may be difficult to push the bubbles down.
On the other way around, the tubing is pointing up: the bubbles will naturally be relocated to the radiator top.
Where I see the issue there: is the possibility that an efficient pump will suckle down some air.
That's the dilemma.
It will be an issue to change the radiator position <when the noises will appear in the future>
I will have to dismantle all the fans and rotate their cables backward.
( just my tech side posing too many issues for an uncomfortable variable )