So what is the currently working Dolby Atmos solution atm? With both 2.7.7 and 2.8.0 APO drivers and latest .732 and previous .702 UWP apps I can't make Dolby Atmos Speaker System to work correctly. Turning OFF and ON Dolby Atmos in UWP GUI doesn't make any difference to sound. Even stopping DAX service does nothing. But Graphic Equalizer is working in the Personalize tab. However switching OFF and ON Sound Virtualizer, Dialog Enchancer, Volume Leveler also does no changes to the sound. Only if I remove APO driver completely and restart I feel that the sound changed drastically - seems like some effects are working in the Dolby Atmos even if DAX service is not running. I tried 3.2.0 xml from Dolby_Profiles_09012020.rar and 3.4.2 xml from the test archive provided here recently.
Another thing is when I switch my Creative AE-9 sounds card to the Direct Headphones mode (SBX and all creative "improvements" are switched off), put the card into the Stereo mode and have APO driver uninstalled I still hear sounds from all 5.1 or 7.1 channels in demos in Potplayer (output mode is Same as Input, so Windows mixer is used). So smth is doing HRTF 5.1->2.0. Do you folks maybe know some software etc. which can visualize/determine the audio signal path in OS so I could find what is doing this downmix?
Another thing is when I switch my Creative AE-9 sounds card to the Direct Headphones mode (SBX and all creative "improvements" are switched off), put the card into the Stereo mode and have APO driver uninstalled I still hear sounds from all 5.1 or 7.1 channels in demos in Potplayer (output mode is Same as Input, so Windows mixer is used). So smth is doing HRTF 5.1->2.0. Do you folks maybe know some software etc. which can visualize/determine the audio signal path in OS so I could find what is doing this downmix?