Everyone with a brain knows what Mantle's agenda is. It is not something that fate of a nation will depend on. One of the biggest things to learn when fighting for truth is to not make up conspiracies where there aren't any.
You don't seem to get that stating an "agenda" is not the same as proving you can accomplish it to whom matter most, the end users. No matter how many devs buy into it the USERS are the ones putting out the hard earned cash to buy the games. It's rather fitting that you used the word agenda, because it falls right in line with what I said about it being no more than smoke and mirror politics without proving it to the public. You're sounding like AMD's yes man.
That sounds authoritarian.
So you hope, that Mantle is a way to collectivize everyone to a single type of game standards, one for all, no choice, no freedom. You are insane.
That said, you have now been exposed to be nothing but a gatekeeper for the status quo, unknowingly helping the companies who clearly benefit from no-mantle on PC, I know well enough about paid shills and trolls hired by companies, I don't want to go that far right now, but I mention it to point out that is always a possibility, I'm not accusing you anyways, but it is not designed for your ideas, it is designed to get the hardcore PC market away from the chains of a company that clearly blocks innovation and progress.
I really am sorry it taken me that far, I am finished with you in this thread, because, I don't want it end, you guys go ahead and discuss your self now, I'll just rather observe ...
Let me go back and point out that you guys have a fair point about not having any proof, that is indeed the case, but your lack of understanding makes you go into assuming problems that probably not going to be real, there might be some other unknown problem for mantle getting traction, that possbility is not out. What I'm saying is that you guys think that mantle needs to dominate or else it's useless, that's the point, mantle doesn't have to dominate all the PC space, and if your game is not mantle-ready, it's not AMD's problem, it's not Mantle's problem.
The word "authoritarian" here is another irony, because it's already been implied even by some of the brightest minds in the industry that AMD is leveraging their unit market share across all platforms to be seen as the authority on a better API, and one that could cause a serious rift between AMD and Nvidia users. I don't think you understand the scope of what's going on here. Nvidia aren't the type to adopt something the competition implements (and vise versa), and devs, no matter which chip vendor endorses their games, don't typically use more than one graphics API to make their games. So that is why I said AMD will have to hope they can try and improve gaming across the board to an acceptable level for all users, or Nvidia customers will cry foul. How can you not see this, it's obvious?
As for the rest, I'll sift through all that passive aggressive implied name calling you like to indulge in when people make valid points, and just skip to the part where you said "company that clearly blocks innovation and progress", which I assume means Microsoft. As much as I dislike that most devs have struggled to implement DX11 features without serious performance problems, it's merely a lightweight, neutral API designed to not favor anyone's GPU architecture. Do you even understand why? If anything Mantle has proven thus far it's that like Glide, to really get the most out of a graphics API, you invariably have to make it design specific enough to where it favors one chip vendor over another. So when you say "PC market", don't just spout it like everyone's going to equally benefit. It's not that simple.
You end by FINALLY admitting we have valid points in saying it's not proven, only to take away any effect of it's impact by saying we're assuming problems that won't likely exist. That's quite a contradiction in terms to admit it's not proven, then insist there won't be any problems. I got news for you, EVERYTHING in gaming, esp on PC, has to be proven to the end user, whether it be hardware, software, whatever. It's an industry that's full of Murphy's Law, anything that can happen, WILL happen, and you have to be prepared for it when it does. Look at the last two releases of BF alone, and all the problems leading up to and at launch, despite LOTS of free beta testing and feedback from players, and tell me with certainty that DICE, one of the key players in making Mantle, have not had some serious problems on the software end.
An even bigger task Mantle has to overcome is to prove it can be implemented without making devs worry half of their customers, obviously Nvidia users, will be angry at them for getting what will most assuredly be worse performance than AMD users. This isn't just a proof of performance issue, that was never the problem with Glide. What killed Glide was lack of acceptance from most devs for the very reasons I just pointed out, and the same could easily happen to Mantle.
I had to LOL at your comment on the NSA, because the government has had the capability of snooping on anyone's PC since a certain system file was modified to do so with ever since late versions of Windows 95. You act like an "authoritarian" on the subject of PCs and gaming in general, but you're seriously out of the loop on several issues.