Where are your facts then?????
I never claimed anything in any of my posts? As I said many times, was just pointing out the hypocrisy that occurs with groupthink. It seems to me we are still at square 1 knowing where the virus came from, food markets, lab accident, and possibly even pangolin... I will see there does seem to be some evidence regarding the November 2019 3 Wuhan lab scientists getting sick and being hospitalized... then in December 2019 the Wuhan outbreak, that does seem to be odd timing, but again we both agree its not definitive.
Also, evidence is only the outcome of the scientific method... so instead of criticizing me perhaps instead you should have commented on whether or not my thinking was logical or not? In regards to the bat collection at the Wuhan Lab, is it important for bats collected from various regions to be separated in airtight locations, or could Covid have emerged from multiple species that in past may not have come into contact with each other without human intervention - create a new virus by the mixture of air between them? I simply don't know, perhaps I am even asking the question wrong as I don't know anything about bats or their migratory patterns. This is my point though... so quick to judge, so quick to assume the scientists can account for every single variable... no one human is possible for making sure every single variable is covered in any experimentation, we can do our best true, but its impossible to be absolute as there are simply to many variables at play. Maybe the mask one of them wore one day had a slight snag in it during the manufacturing process, exposing the lab worker more so than normal that day... see what I mean? The supply chain itself is infinite variables.
No. It's not. And this is exactly where pseudoscience pollutes the exacting nature of science. The scientific method (and the clue is in the word 'method') is to demonstrate a verifiable procedure to reproduce the same result. This is how science works. I suggest experiment 'A' to validate my hypothesis, itself, ideally based on a 'null' hypothesis where I ought to attempt to prove my theory by failing at dispproving it.
Scienctific theory requires a method by which scientists can attempt to replicate the results. After umpteen positive, or negative, results, a theory is established. The strength of that theory may be eroded over time with greater understanding of the matter.
You're not talking about science here. You're discussing opinion. Don't confuse the two. Dr Fauci may be a scientist but his opinion is not scientific unless he can produce a way that others can verify it. And that is the sting. China will do everything to deny an accidental release. All governments do - it's their job to protect their national identity. We will never know (because we'll not be allowed to investigate properly) how the virus was released. So, don't use the term 'science' to describe anything related to how we know what happened. That horse has long gone.
And BTW, here's the stinger. The German (BioNtech) vaccine (produced by Pfizer labs) is the most effective vaccine. It beats the Chinese version. Isn't that amazing? The country that supposedly 'released' the virus doesn't have a 100% effective vaccine. Cue the fucking Twilight zone music.
like I said before, I mostly believe the underground food markets as the source for the virus, it just makes logical sense, but like Fauci who has 50+ years of experience, I am not ruling out the possibility of human error.
BioNTech saved the day I agree, not sure what your point with that was, I have said that for awhile now. /shrug
I admitted several times I was discussing opinion... again not sure what your point was here.
edit: I think you misread the posts and focused on
@dragontamer5788 post... Fauci on May 11 and, previous CDC director who most made fun of, suggested it was lab accident... no one said anything about the need for your twilight zone music comment. but mmk