3GB 1060 beating the 8GB 580
VRAM not in play at 1080..... look at TPUs test results for the 3 GB versus 6GB model. The 6GB gets about 6% better numbers, but we also see that that the VRAM is not the reason. The 6 GB varies by more than the VRAM, it has 11% more shaders. So how do we know it's not the VRAM ? If it was a contributing factor at 1080p, then it would necessarily be a significantly large factor with a larger performance difference at 1440p. It's not. There may come a day when more VRAM is needed at 1080p but, given those test results, that day has not yet arrived.
This is going to spark quite a few discussions. DXR means light is more accurately rendered. Some will say the brighter images look better, some won't. It's just like some prefer Canon's more saturated colors, even if Nikon has more lifelike defaults.
Well that's the thing. And the reason why photo editors used IPS screens. Look at a photo of grandma on ya screen after she used her "Glamor Shots " Gift Card and she looks great on the IPS screen ... look at the same pic on TN and she looks like a old hooker with overdone lipstick and rouge

Much akin to popular digital music with exaggerated bass and trebel to make them sound better of the $15 sound systems on phones, Budget MoBos and boom boxes ... played in a hi end audiophile system, they and people are almost runing outta the room holding their ears. It's "uncomfortable to say the least". So it's not just that devs have to adjust how they render images to use the ray tracing as a feature, they have to rethink the artificial adjustments that they have been using over the years to make scenes look better ... because the scene was not rendering properly with regard to lighting effects, that scene would be overly bright. Now by only allowing light effects to be painted from transparaent surfaces, much of the light coming in that scene is now blocked by opaque surfaces. It really shows further down in thet shed scene ... but I like what the review did there showing the pimples along with the clear skin. With accurate lighting effects it's ging to matter where and how big your light sources are and faking it to get desired lighting levels won't work anymore.
Don't trust their performance numbers, they're using built-in benchmark.
steve from gamers nexus says in-game benchmark is unrealistically heavy.
An in game / demo is like using the same test on your students when you are aware last years answers are in circulation. Regardless of what hoops it puts the card thru, everybody knows what's coming and can optimize performance for it. But of course, those tweaks can blow up in ya face if either then driver or the game gets patched or changed.