That's very interesting and weird at the same time. We can take some info from that picture and we could take more if it wasn¡t so confusing. Let me explain, according to this picture of GT200:
We can relate some shapes with the actual units like this:
1- Shader Processor SIMD cluster. In G92 it had 16 SP (2x8), in GT200 it had 24 (8x3) and in GT300 it should have 32 (4x8). In GT300 we can see 16 of such clusters and that would ammount to 32x16= 512 SP. Everything seems OK.
2- Texture Units. In G80, G92 and GT200 always next to the SPs. Consists of 8 texture processors. In GT200 8x10=80. In GT300 we see 8x16=128 (ok according to leaked specs). But is that correct? We can see many other units with the same appearance all around (marked with dark green) in the middle and to the left end of the chip.
3- Raster Units. The yellow rectangle should contain 8 of them in GT200 (4x8=32), same for GT300 I'd suppose. But that way we would be talking about 10 clusters or 80 ROPs. That unless some of those are not ROPs and are something else, because all of them have a unit similar to a Texture Cluster next to them.
4- Memory. Caches and registers. In GT300 there are many areas between the different units that could be caches too, GT300 is much less organized than GT200, probably to save space.
5- That must be the setup engine and thread dispatch processor. While we see two diferrent recognizable shapes in GT200, in GT300 we can see 5.
So what do you guys think those units that I marked in blue and dark green are? IMO the units that look like what's rounded in blue are the same thing, and they are very similar to the ROPs in GT200, but they are next to what looks like Texture units (dark green), and there are too many of them too. Share your thoughts.