I guess the card will probably end up around $115-125 after rebates... which might induce pricewar goodness upon us btw
Are you talking about this GTX650Ti Boost? When do you believe it could hit that bracket? Maybe after Maxwell hits...
This is not a start to a price war. This is to provide abutment to the GTX660, which Nvidia doesn't/didn't want to let slide below $200.
Both this from Nvidia and AMD release of the 7790, to me were to back fill so pricing won't tumble. Nvidia's move here isn't so much any driver necessitating AMD's price reduction on 7790’s, it was too high to begin with $130 would be perfect. While Nvidia has no reason to follow unless 7850/7870 pricing moves, and it really doesn't look like those will. Maybe things will change with a 1Gb GTX 650 Boost, but till then everyone will stand their ground.
You got to know Nvidia has had this rendition from day one, and has held it in reserve, but not sure what for… but how about this? Nvidia almost had to figure 6mo's back AMD coming with an lower cost chip/card to vie in the $180-240 (88XX). AMD would've known another GK106 (gelding) but with boost was an absolute likelihood. At that time Nvidia understood AMD's new offerings would arrive, and figured this would permit them something to respond with on an even lower price (aka 1Gb) at this point. Then a month or so back it became clear AMD (Sea Island) wasn’t in any rush but why…
Something tells me Bonaire was to be more, perhaps not a direct Pitcairn replacement but something that would provide strong profits at $180-240 price point. The Bonaire was more just a trial "what if" engineering design that came up short, and perhaps is a reason AMD pushed back 8XXX cards IDK. Although, instead of just scraping the design they trimmed it down to achieve the highest yields (why isn’t there both LE/XT) reduced memory bus, and use it to filled their gap. While not to long ago Nvidia knew what AMD had (purportedly a chip 10% under the 7850.. but it’s not really) they figured there's no reason holding it back anymore and plugged their gap. However they came out on the winning side, being able to hold to good price for them while a value to buyers.
Had AMD actual got Bonaire to be closure to a 7850, we might have seen more movement on prices, but as the way it played out the 7790 has very little bearing on the GTX 650 Boost 2Gb pricing.