ATI 9550 256mb Hynix 5n 250/400(ddr)
Thank you People, You made me believe I could do it!
My detailed experience might help some.
I finaly decided to go ahead and flash my
ATI 9550 256mb Hynix 5n 250/400(ddr).
I thought I'd start small so I dumped my bios with AtiTool,
then used RadEdit to change it to 400/400(ddr) wich I had pretested.
First I rebooted to DOS from Win98 and ran FlashRom from my harddrive,
got "Error: Data Not Erased". Decided to boot from floppy, had a boot
floppy with AtiFash already on it, tried that = "Device 0 Not Found".
Made boot floppy with FlashRom = Success!
Booted into Win98 no problems, no messages just new vid-clock.
Booted into Win2k no video card detected, Problem!
Thought, do I backtrack and reflash to original or purge forward
and flash to the GeCube 9600PRO 256mb Samsung 5n bios I've got
lined up and ready to go. I'm sure you know the answer to that!
Win2k detected it at startup, installed drivers, rebooted.
*Advice People*= You are effectively upgrading your video card,
uninstall old drivers before reinstalling if you want it to work right.
O.K., that taken care of everything looks great, 90 min. scanning
for artifacts with AtiTool no errors. Still can't go to 420/and-or/420(ddr)
even with a K6-2 processor fan (remember those?) on the GPU but
I guess that's my luck.
Hope I helped some lost soul out there.