Excellent, now everything is working using Equaliser APO. I now have stereo upmixing, speaker balancing, and multichannel digital (using the selected method, DDL or DTS).
I only needed one app to make everything work, the app also uses the native Windows audio service, which means it always runs as a background process.
Install AAF DCH driver: 6.0.9075.1 (lastest), then download '
Equaliser APO' (totally 100% free). Now download my 'E-APO AAF DCH.zip' file in the attachments below.
I have renamed my device outputs to 'Speakers' and 'Digital', and input to 'Microphone' and 'Stereo Mixer' for better reading and identification.

Install Equaliser APO, when installing you will be asked which APO method to use, make sure you select 'SFX/MFX' with your AFF drivers, then restart PC.

Unzip my package, then cut and move the config .txt files to your Equaliser APO config directory: C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\Config.
Now open Equaliser APO, and select your outputs, in my case that's 'Speakers' and 'Digital' as I renamed them earlier.

Now you have upmixing on both analogue and digital. Digital will use your selected method, DDL or DTS.
Disable the 'upmixer' option in Equaliser APO, if pure direct is needed (still works when on).
Update: Graphic EQ removed, Feel free to make your own configs.