Updated Info: I got some more info to share Saturday, I just gotta get my brother to "ok" what i written out. In the mean time, I just wanted to update on a few things i did learn today from my bro and his partners in Seattle. Like i said for my 470 update and Vega 10 update I will be able to share tomorrow after my brother looks over what i written, I already have it typed out and will be posting it here and 3 other sites im affiliated with. In the mean time, here are a few updates i can share tonight to clear things up on the 1500mhz guarantee Rx 480 cards i mentioned before.
Update info on the Rx 480 -----------------------------
Earlier here today i posted some info on two different AIB vendors releasing $300 dollar 1500mhz Rx 480 Editions. There is some clarity i wanted to update on what exactly this means. Its quite simple, There will be some "superclocked" editions (< not the exact name) released with a bios option set at 1500mhz, its as simple as that. As for how many others vendors will release these Rx 480's that have the bios option switch to 1500mhz is unknown outside of the two companies that i am aware of. I cannot share which companies are releasing this but honestly I am told that all 6+8 pin Rx 480's are said to get this 1500mhz mark with software, Let me just quote what they said...this is a C/P from my email that was forwarded to me by my brother just a few hours ago.
This particular $300 Rx 480 OC Edition will have toggle with two bios options - Standard bios of 1266mhz and Extreme bios of 1500mhz - All 6+8 pin models will be able to reach the 1500mhz mark - the only difference is some editions will have a overclock bios setting that will be set at the 1500mhz mark - while other cards will have to be done manually although today its easy to do manually by just a few clicks of a button with software - While running at 1570mhz - the OC edition runs at 72c with 99% gpu load with 65% fan - one impressive feat to say the least - This bodes well for AMD's new Polaris cards as it shows these cards are capable of even more than this impressive 1570mhz mark - In fact, in a closed box setup, we were able to "easily" obtain 1600mhz while running Battlefield 4 for over an hour with zero crashes or artifacts all while keeping below the 75c mark while using 99% gpu load - Even more impressive is the fact that the voltage usage leaves room for even a bit further tweaking to further our overclock past 1600mhz - One has to wonder what AMD has with the entire lineup of Vega right now - we can only imagine pure bliss in terms of performance at the top enthusiast level - AMD really does have something special on their hands. The Rx 480 while running 1500mhz is on par with the stock 1070 in-game, it even beats it on some games at this clock, anything more and the 480 begins to put some distance between the two cards. Keep in mind this is Dx12 games, this is where GCN 4 truly shows off.
Earlier my brother and I were talking and I mentioned to him about how i felt about what AMD is doing and my brother said i literally took the words out of his mouth in what i am about to say below...
...we both are very curious and intrigued at how AMD is targeting these new cards, Its as if they are not even trying to target Nvidia at all but rather setting a new lineup of cards and a completely new lineup of performance targets. In other words, AMD's cards are not really targeting Nvidia's nor any of AMD's previous cards but rather...setting a completely new standard of graphic cards with a whole new identity and vision. I really feel this way and my brother agrees as he said we must be brothers as we had this exact same thoughts in mind. My brother and I are both in the Gaming/Hardware Industry, I work for a game company in Chicago but my brother has been in the industry longer than myself working in a big software/hardware company in Seattle. Anyways, I am very excited at what AMD is doing here. I think they are doing a remarkable job and they should be commended by both Nvidia and AMD fans alike. Forget all the petty fanboy trolling...we are all on the same team here, green or red, we are gamers and computer enthusiasts...we should be excited to see AMD step in new waters. I am, my bro and his colleagues should you.
PS I'll have more info on the Rx 460, Rx 470 and Vega 10 (Rx 490) on saturday as my brother was out for the night so i could only get a few things answered. And yes Rx 490 is the smallest chip of Vega lineup confirmed., I'll explain more tomorrow, its something my brother told me but i gotta be careful with NDA,etc so i gotta check to see how much i can post when i get more time to talk with him, when i do, i'll post it for any interested for that info.