You got your system for free-I paid for it, £699 so not exactly free i'd say. i was gifted cash and chose to use it for the board and CPU, why didn't i just get a 5xxx CPU for my B450 board? Well sometimes it is interesting to jump on a new CPU/Chipset, imo the B450 is lower end for a 5xxx CPU so i would probably have bought a better board for it, which would have meant paying for a 5800x cpu and a 570 board. And lastly why not, I am not a Raging AMD or Intel fan, the ADL is no doubt a high performance setup whether it uses 240w or not, as i have previously said, as long as you can cool it meh who cares.
Meaningless ok whatever
Who's ranting a war

seems to me it's the opposite from people trying to justify reasons not to. again whatever.
Also, i got the board and CPU for free not the "system", the rest i have paid for. i won't bother with this idiotic pointless thread no more. say what you like, you will get no more comment on the matter from me. I am enjoying my "FREE

system" enjoy whatever you have
This thread was just asking for trouble from the start imo. Perfect for starting some sort of Amd vs Intel battle.
People with 5950x CPU's saying i'm not switching, well duh i don't think anyone in their right mind would if you had that CPU. Anyone with a 5xxx CPU has no reason to even consider switching.
Maybe it should have been. if you have a Amd CPU below 5xxx series would you consider switching to ADL? as anything 5xxx would be a pointless move. If i'd have had a 5xxx CPU i would still have it.
Also if someone gets something for free, how the fuck is their opinion on it meaningless?
Continue this "war" however you like my opinion is said if you agree or not i don't give a rats