Yeah I saw that but decided to wait because it says this...
"Textures are clearly not perfect as of now, and there's nothing I can do about it as long as no modding tools are out."
For now I might just limit myself to NG+ level 8 and see how well I can do with the Tempus armor. In fact by the time I get to that point maybe there WILL be some modding tools, who knows.

Of course I'm more joking about my age than being serious, as we all know there's TONS of things to fix before they worry about dev tools. I'm only playing on Normal difficulty this run though.
On a side note, I'm very pleased so far with the new 1.7.33 update. I've been able to raise res scale from 50% to 65%, and even with that I'm averaging close to 60 FPS now. That is only via testing during the indoor segments of Entangled though, so things may change when outdoors. Until I get to that revelation, at least for now I can enjoy less blurry faces and snappier movement.
I'm also enjoying the Star Eagle, which even at class A performs better and is valued higher than the class C Crimson Wight I hijacked, which moves like a slug and fires too slow. I HAVE however found that jumping to another system BEFORE you get blown up, then coming back, makes dog fights a TON easier during times you are stuck with no Ship Parts to repair with.
That said, I just completed the Entangled quest and took the time to get the best possible ending with both Realities/NPCs surviving. It netted quite a bit of credits. The problem is after adding the two artifacts I got to the Armillary on my ship, the powers menu still shows just 8 powers instead of 10. Is there some reason I am not seeing them listed there?