Please use article timestamp with a hyphen and pad zero instead of number signs for hyperlinked sources: YYYY-MM, shorthand for year and month, e.g. 2024-02
This can help us see what information is new and can help you clean up old entries. They'll be our heatmap to the most recent information in entry.
Set time range cutoff to remove old entry to exactly 2 years. Entries older than 2 years mean they've lost readers interest if not most likely already canceled.
Would it be worthwhile to maintain upcoming list for NAND flashes? They may be lack of readers interest and because since they have no relation to GPU or CPU. I suggest transform "Other" into interface for GPU: PCIe and bridge and nothing else.
If my suggestions are good then I want you to try update article no longer than 2 months please

I love this article but would hate to wait for new update. I can imagine it'd be harder to bring old database up to date if it's getting old too so do yourself a favor too