to confirm whether the problem is with nvcleanstall or the nv driver itself we need A/B testing: driver installed with nvcleanstall vs original nv driver installed
and maybe 566.36 vs 566.45......I'll test it right away
edit: I don't know why the following just wouldn't get posted on a separate post, but oh well........
So I tested 3 scenarios and these are the findings:
EasyAntiCheat (EAC) error
- Nvidia Stock driver 566.45 > no error
- nvcleanstall + 566.45 >
EAC error
- nvcleanstall + 566.36 > no error
so it seems the error is only produced when using nvcleanstall with hotfix driver 566.45
- nvcleanstall (ansel disabled in options)+ 566.45 >
Ansel is Active
- nvcleanstall (ansel disabled in options) + 566.36 >
Ansel is Active