What's up folks? I'm having a drink and taking a break from homework for a bit to browse my favorite place on the web. I happened to find news on a couple of my favorite space sims. Both Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous have updates/announcements this week.
Let's start with some news that I am reacting to now, so my apologies if I'm behind the curve. Star Citizen is now patchable to!
Highlights of this update are:
- 315p flyable in AC
- Flare item added
- All 300 variants pilotable.
- Weapons adjustments
- Control adjustments
- All sorts of control, audio and graphics fixes.
- Read more HERE
I currently am downloading the patch and have 2147.51MB left, and am downloading at a paltry 150KB/s, though this is of no surprise when patching SC. Seems the patching speed almost is always slow. No worries, I have plenty to keep me entertained until it's complete!
Up next? My current favorite, Elite: Dangrous has some big news coming as well. Sure the official release is around 12/16/2014. But between now and then is A LOT of work to be done. Frontier just released Newsletter #49, and it's well worth the read!
Highlights are:
- Beta 3.9 Drops Next Thursday!!! 11/20/2014!
- Only 8 more days to become a Beta backer, and be able to play beta and gamma releases prior to the release date.
- Only 8 more days to have the benifits that a beta backer is privy to, such as 25% off in-game ship insurance and free access to one of the five new ships when released!
- All sorts of good and exciting thing to read about HERE!!!
I have really enjoyed playing Elite. It is one of those games that pulls at me when I am doing my best to stay responsible and get my responsible adult stuff done. The kids don't make it any easier, asking to see more "epic space battles where you get blown up!".
I have enjoyed being able to break interdiction as well..and I am extremely happy to be a beta backer for this title.
Of course sometimes when the server is being a pain in the ass, I revert back to good ol' Evochron Mercenary. A game I feel gets far too little love for what it has provided for the last several years. Playing Elite has improved my skills in EvoMerc GREATLY. And while its not as fun, it's more of a challenge to fly in, and it is much faster to get into the action. I do love being able to align and hyperspace glide right into a space station to dock and grab the next mission.
But the more I play the AAA SC and ED, the more I appreciate EvoMerc as a one-man indie title and all it offers, and I hope it continues to be supported. If you are on a tighter budget and want an excellent space sim, there really isn't anything better imho. If you have the $$$ and want the best GFX and SFX ever, well then there are two other excellent options. I recommend all 3, and all comfortably have their places in the space sim genre.
Alright..well, my drink is polished off, homework is looming, and I am going to get shit done in the hopes I can make some time to get a few kills, deaths and trades in!