Well, Linux Mint is running just fine. However, I cannot, for the life of me, get BOINC to open or for the Linux Package to download.
Lisa uses some sort of "Repository" for BOINC and since it is so old non of the updates, or Boinc, have any good links left. 404 not found for nearly all of them!
The shell that Boinc has, for 7.2.42, has been inpossible to open! Even in command line! My problem, I think, is the wording for the Directory it is in. I keep getting a "not Found" when I try to open it. I have tried a bunch, until 3:30 AM last night!
So, since trying to mount all these OS's, over the last few days, I cannot get it to boot into Windows. i found a way to change my Windows password but, now cannot get it to boot. Even with putting the HDD it is on, in the first two slots of the Boot order in BIOS.
So, I am now downloading a win7 Ultimate.iso and will try and repair the Win 7 OS and then, hopefully get it to boot so I can use my trick to replace my lost password.
Then, I will update my BOINC and get it crunching. Oh the fun!!
Meanwhile, the P4 machine is in the same boat, forgot the password. I downloaded the Lisa.iso to a USB, because I can't get it to boot from the optical disc. I am hoping I can save the files, including a working Boinc Manager, when I refresh it. If I remember right, it gave me that option when I was loading up Lisa on this machine.
Anyway, hopefully I will, at least, have This 'Ole Comp crunching!
After I get Windows back running, I am gonna reposition This 'Ole Comp on the lower shelf and move Karen to the currently working on, shelf! LOL. Then, I can spend some time trying to boot her up on Ubuntu, and get her Crunching, in the next day or so. Maybe even the P4 will be going soon, also.
Next Thursday, or Friday, after Payday, I am gonna bus it over to the Box Shop, in Bloomington. There I can fulfill my list of needs cheaply and possible have another two boxes going, plus the MAD Cruncher.
That will be 6 Desktops and my Lappytop Crunching. That will be 8 Cores and 4 threads! Considering my Farm, last time it was running, was 4 cores, not bad.
A threefold improvement, eventually! Oh! I also have the Amazon Virtual churning out about 500 points a day! Almost forgot!
So, that's it for today, gotta go watch the Wild Game and then burn the Win 7 iso, when I get back. I can't wait until I can look back on this and smile. It has been a while since I have been in messing with these boxes. It is a little frustrating now, due to time constraints, work and all, but I am pushing to have them all running by Challenge time. Plus, possibly rebuilding This 'Ole Comp with a new Motherboard, another Socket A'er board but, better than mine, and a 3200 in her to replace the 2600, oh, and a new Heatsink! So I can burn this thing a little hotter!!
OK, I'm off! Might stop back in after the game, on my LappyTop, if'n I'm up for a Win 7 Repair!