Timmen: wouldn't say useless, but isn't it enough to modify the tdp?
well i don't know actually

don't know if you put a verry high limit there so there is enough room to overclock ?
and if its harmless or not for the card ?
example the original bios value is 156 TDP and if i put there a value of lets say 300, or will i blow my gfx ?
sry for the noob question
its a little confusing because i have 2 types of biosses for my Sapphire 7870, the 1gighz (1000/4800) and the OC bios from Sapphire (1050/5000).
the TDP of the standard 1 gighz is higher 156 than the OC bios (137), but then the power limit seems higher for the OC bios, that seems correct then.
what is also differend is the TDP limit, 50% for the OC bios and 20% for the standard 1 gighz bios.
and there is another problem then if its set to 50%, the first value of the power limit goes to low, and thats why i asked myself if its possible to change those values too.
made a screenshot of the 2 biosses ->