So... A Plague Tale... yeah... I think I played it for 8 or 9 hours last night. At first I was thinking "Yeah, the visuals and the atmosphere are really good, but I don't know if this gameplay is gonna keep me playing." And then hour by hour all of those things started ramping up... that slingshot is really satisfying, y'know?
Nah, but it is a really cool game. The whole premise of killer rats is a really silly and campy thing IMO... basically "The Floor Is Lava" only it's a video game and it is deadly serious about it. But it works. They're basically like piranhas that run around on land. Actually pretty brutal. They're kinda cool when they form into horrific, writhing, and squirming balls, with red glowing eyes circling the masses of death and disease like knats to a lamp. It's kind of entrancing. As lighthearted as the character interaction can be at the time, there's an underlying sense of dread as you go out into the world that's been built up for the game. It is a world filled with horror, petulance, and beauty. And that tension just builds and builds, unfolding in more and more horrific scenes and insights as you learn more about the situation and the world. Which reminds me, the world and the lore are really good! A bit cheeky and over the top in the best way. It all adds up to a world that is legitimately dark, terrible, and gripping.
The gameplay isn't too challenging, leaning more on the side of satisfaction, though I've had some trials with it lol. It's mostly stealth puzzles and environmental puzzles met with just enough combat to keep it exciting. The slingshot is a really enjoyable weapon to use, and it becomes a very interesting and versatile tool as you go along. The stealth passages can get pretty dynamic and complicated. Which is good because I can see myself wanting to play this game a couple more times in order to take in the amazing atmosphere it cultivates.
It helps that the visuals are amazing. Graphically it is nothing technically spectacular or demanding (though don't get me wrong, it is solid and very well put-together,) but the way the levels are designed and the effects used do a lot to cultivate this mistfy, foreboding, and mystical fantasy vibe. It looks stunning. Couple this with the worldbuilding on the story and exploration ends and it really sucks you in. And then, there's the sound and music, which are absolutely amazing - I love all of the chellos. The music is as gorgeous as all of the different places the game takes you to. I think in a weird way I enjoyed that more than anything. With my DT-990 Pro's and Vali 2 amp a lot of things jump out at you. The quality of the sound effects is pristine and movie-like, with a good sense of scale, spacial orientation, and realism... the way sound effects are rendered is not just simple triggering. They've designed a complex system for it. Not new in games, but still often overlooked. I don't wanna give too much of it away. It's one of those things you really gotta experience.