I've been off here for a few days. I broke my big toe, and of course I've not gone to doctor, no way not now, and pain has been awful. With Covid around we can't use things like Advil .Tyleno0l does not work, at least not any better than eating a piece of fruit, LOL.
So instead, I've let myself into the highly addictive
State of Decay 2 I started 5 days ago. I've put in an unbelievable number of hours. I appreciate getting to punch the ticket and move onto a new map. This one is semi-desert community in mountains, so it's arid more than anything. I've managed to kill of three of my best people so far...unintentionally. Well, the last one was a certain death, being piled on by about 50 zombies. I did the only self-respecting thing you can do....drop 5 molotovs in quick succession! yep, I took most of them with me.
I'll get a few pics up after my workday ends and I can slide over to my gaming computer.
This was a really surprisingly good game! I was on the fence when it came out, and just decided I liked the premise. I was glad I did it!