Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Ultimate Edition (PC)
Already finished back then on PS3 and enjoyed it.
So, tried on PC , as the game sometimes struggle to perfectly run on PS3.
Now, it's in the best shape for the game : widescreen, better resolution and constant fps !
But this time it was a love / hate experience. I've started the game, and it growing to be boring and left it rot on the hardrive.
Almost 2 years later, i've continued the game, and it was allright.
Lords of Shadow reminds you why Uncharted, God of War, or Shadow of the Colossus are great games.
They're refined to the best.
Here the game is plagued with boring combat, spongious ennemies, lots of QTE (especially during bosses, sometimes it drags too long, and if you miss the QTE, you have to restart the part), some tricky parts ... (the music box !)
It's always weaker than the games it was inspired.
It's not a total failure, it just sad that with a bit of polishing, it could have been a near perfect game, clearly on par with the greatests.
Because when everything clicks, it's very very good.
The atmosphere is damn good, melancholic, dark, depressive, a lot of work have been done in the art department.
Everything is cinematic here, the beautiful atmospheric music, the scenery ...
Even today the game is beautiful, i'll put some screenshoots, and some artworks.
It's a good game, not perfect, but not as bad as some critics says. Some passage are tedious, but doable.
As a huge fan of Castlevania the serie, it's a solid game, not a so good Castlevania.
The 2 DLC are useful to the story, they're short, but not equals.
The 1st with the little vampire, brings you back to the castle and it's on par with the rest of the game, the 2nd, is a bit dull.
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Clearly a western take of Castlevania, it looks like a RPG, note that an RPG in this universe could have been a massive hit,
The Witcher style !
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Every environments are so well done ! Artists have done a lot of work, as the levels change constantly their environments, from forest to swamps, castle to ruins, hellish lava pool to frozen village ...
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Look at this overly dramatic scenery ! The passage in the castle is great !
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The passage with Baba Yaga has a very
The Witcher feeling, don't you thinck ?
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There is a ton of artwork to unlock, and they're beautiful, very close to the final render in game.