Learn more about what's new in Windows 11 version 24H2, including servicing updates, Windows Subsystem for Linux, the latest CSPs, and more.
Microsoft is introducing checkpoint cumulative updates, a new servicing model that enables devices running Windows 11, version 24H2 or later to save time, bandwidth and hard drive space when getting features and security enhancements via the latest cumulative update. Previously, the cumulative updates contained all changes to the binaries since the last release to manufacturing (RTM) version. The size of the cumulative updates could grow large over time since RTM was used as the baseline for each update.
With checkpoint cumulative updates, the update file level differentials are based on a previous cumulative update instead of the RTM release. Cumulative updates that serve as a checkpoint will be released periodically. Using a checkpoint rather than RTM means the subsequent update packages are smaller, which makes downloads and installations faster. Using a checkpoint also means that in order for a device to install the latest cumulative update, the installation of a prerequisite cumulative update might be required. For more information about checkpoint cumulative updates