Hello, I just ordered an Sapphire Atlantis x800 pro vivo but I see it has 2.0ns memory. Can I flash it with an xt pe bios which has 1.6ns memory or what should I do?
Unregistered said:Hello, I just ordered an Sapphire Atlantis x800 pro vivo but I see it has 2.0ns memory. Can I flash it with an xt pe bios which has 1.6ns memory or what should I do?
Unregistered said:Could I also flash it with the XT PE and put the speeds back to 500/500 or maybe 520/520 or is that not possible?
Urlyin said:ThreeNil,
Some cards need a shot to get to the XT PE speeds via a voltmod. I thought most would do the XT BIOS of 500/500... did you use a XT BIOS or PE BIOS ? Still nice to have the 16pipes though![]()
ThreeNiL said:I orignally was using the ATI XT PE BIOS. I then flashed to the Sapphire and Connect3D regular XT versions. Something really strange is that with the Pro 16P BIOS I am using now, I can overclock to XT speeds and be fairly stable. I get one artifact after several minutes on the artifact checker. As with the XT PE and regular XT BIOS at 500/500, I couldnt even go more than 10 seconds without getting tons of artifacts.
Im not too disappointed, I got the pipes open and overclocking to 500/500 I can get 3DMARK03 scores over 11,500.
Thats good enough to play Doom and HL2 at the upper settings. Thats all I was looking for.
As for a voltmod, I came in with this card with the attitude that if I could flash it to an XT, great.. but if there was any hard modding neccessary, I would pass. Besides, when I was doing some tests at the 520/560 clocks, It was running smoking hot with 70+C load temps. With my current settings,
I dont even top 55* at full load. (stock HSF)
Urlyin said:What you look for is lock ups and artifacts in games... ATItool will show artifacts way sooner than in any highres game... Do some back to back benchmarks or play your favorite game for some length of time ... as for the temps, obviously lower is better but the GPU is rated above 90c , so 70c isn't a big issue. If you have a well vented case it should be fine ... just running like you are is fine as long as you're happy, enjoy the speed![]()
JJF007 said:Hi!
I patched the bios from my Sapphire X800 Pro VIVO with the X800XT PE (ATI and Sapphire), even with the X800 Pro 16p Bios from the download Page. But everytime i have strange blocks over the screen.
I removed all Drivers, installed Catalyst 4.12 with no luck. Then the included from Sapphire - even no luck. With ATITool it runs perfect with 520/560 (even higher), but when i enable the 16 Pipelines (tried the X800 Pro 16p Bios too) i get this blocks you can see on the screenshot. Someone seen this before. I think that some of the disabled Pipelines are broken. I get the same blocks (not wild mixed over the screen, just like a nice build mask with same sized rects and the same space between them) when starting a DirectX Game (HL2 / Lord of the Rings).
<a href="http://jjf007.funpic.de/x800_blocks.htm">Screenshot</
Any help would be great. If someone can proofe that it is a Pipeline Problem it would be great too.
Unregistered said:Hallo Wizzard,
wie ich sehe bist du aus Deutschland, ich hoffe du kannst mir meine Frage beantworten.
Ich bekomme diese Woche noch eine HIS X800 Pro geliefert, kann ich die mit deiner Methode auch zu einer XT PE hoch"patchen"?
Ich denke schon, es steht ja zumindest hier in deinem Artikel, aber sage mir Bitte, man hat mir schon Hilfe bei dem BIOS flashen usw angeboten, dieses Verfahren für das man Disketten benötigt usw, leider ist mir dies nicht sehr geheuer ...
Ist deine Methode einfacher und löscht man damit nicht sein Normales BIOS? In meinem Falle ein MSI BIOS?
Lieben Gruß, Sven.
Sarek said:Does this modification work with all x800 pro vivo cards? Or just with a special brand?
I want to buy an MSI or Asus x800 Pro Vivo and want to know if all x800 pro can be used for the mod
Unregistered said:It's not a pipe problem ... make sure your're not loading any profiles from atitool and use drivercleaner3 to remove all the drivers and reinstall. Have you tried to go back to the original BIOS?
JJF007 said:Well, removed all drivers with DriverCleaner3, but after installing the latest Drivers the blocks appeared again. I had no ATITool installed.
Urlyin said:That's strange .... worked fine then re-installed drivers caused the blocks to return? Are you using cat 4.12 or OEM drivers from the card manufacture? Did you reflash the card or is it still the original BIOS?
Urlyin said:That's strange .... worked fine then re-installed drivers caused the blocks to return? Are you using cat 4.12 or OEM drivers from the card manufacture? Did you reflash the card or is it still the original BIOS?
JJF007 said:Yes, thats very strange
I removed the old drivers from Software Panel. Then flashed the BIOS with the Sapphire X800 XT PE Bios from the Bios Page (tried the original from ATI and the 16pipe enabled X800 Pro before, but not after DriverCleaner3). After that i started into Safe Mode while removing all Drivers with DriverCleaner3. Started Win XP and installed the drivers. Then restartet Win, without blocks. The first time, the Login Screen looks fine, but after loading the Desktop the blocks appear. If i restart Win the second weird is, that i have this blocks at the login screen!
Don't know if i should reinstall Win XP, because i had the same blocks on another System where was a NVIDIA Card was installed before and no NVIDIA ever. But i didn't use DriverCleaner3 on this System.
Urlyin said:So as long as you use your original BIOS everything is fine, right? Now my assumption is all VIVIO have 1.6ns memory and I assume your VIVO does correct? If the blocks appear on both systems then obviously it's in the card. Especially if it works fine with the original BIOS. Have you tried one of the XT BIOS? Not an XT PE BIOS ... If the XT BIOS does not work I would RMA the card. It should be able to handle the 500/500 speeds of an XT. But remember since ATI introduced the XT the waffers for the Pro VIVO are of a lesser quality ...