That was decent clocks, but a lot of people with them Phenom II duallies seem to clock that high. A 980BE from the box was so hot, 4ghz was pretty average. I managed to squeeze 6.3ghz on LN2.
AM2 through AM3+ is a spectacular platform. I recommend it for OC hobbiests. In fact the transition from s939 to AM2 was made very interesting by AsRock with AM2 Dual Sata II which you could get an AM2 Riser card and upgrade the Cpu and memory on the same s939 NB chipset. Which is probably one of the rare (est/er) pieces of hardware to find to date. I have long waited to see the board and riser card for sale, I feel I'll be dead long before I ever get a chance to experience that first hand. I did have the board, but blew up a FX-55 and the board with a failed volt mod. At the time, an expensive mistake.