"My Design My pround"
I'm started found experience with Thermaltake Bigwater SE
-- 15 day ago --
I'm modified radiator motorcycle and reservoir acrylic
Modern PC must here iDEA iT--
Hardcore PC must here ideamodding.com
great rig and specs too but need a little cable managemnet and in my opnion u are using log tubes for WC and u can fix it easy and u much courageous to lap the processor its amazing and insane too 9 for u. bye
7 Comments on Raidmax Sagitta Man10u Edition
Wire management could use some improvement, as could your tubing runs inside the case. They're a bit too long.
Also keep an eye on that water block, theres been a lot of people who have had issues with the acrylic top cracking.
see & vote in my case..www.techpowerup.com/gallery/1096.html
new pics updated..thanks